Όπως είναι γνωστό, η Hayley Williams κάνει guest φωνητικά για το πέμπτο full-length άλμπουμ των mewithoutYou, “Ten Stories.” Χθες, στις 23 Μαΐου, οι mewithoutYou έπαιξαν ζωντανά στο Rocketown στο Νάσβιλ, TN. Κατά τη διάρκεια της εκτέλεσης του “Fox’s Dream of the Log Flume“ η Williams μπήκε στο στάδιο για να τραγουδήσει το μέρος της! Ο πρώην ντράμερ των Paramore, Zac Farro, ήταν επίσης σε εκείνη τη συναυλία. Δείτε παρακάτω ένα video από εκείνο το βράδυ:
Πρεμιέρα έκανε ένα νέο τραγούδι από το What’s Eating Gilbert, το project του κιθαρίστα των New Found Glory, Chad Gilbert. Το τραγούδι λέγεται “Babe”, στο οποίο στα φωνητικά είναι η Hayley Williams των Paramore. Ο Chad Gilbert ανακοίνωσε ότι το single ονομάστηκε λάθος από τα μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης. Στην πραγματικότητα, αυτό ονομάζεται "The One". Υπάρχει όμως η πιθανότητα ο τίτλος να αλλάξει επίσημα σε "Babe" ή ίσως σε 'Babe (The One).' Ακούστε το single παρακάτω:
H Audrey Kitching, ένα αμερικανικό μοντέλο και blogger είχε την ευκαιρία να συνομιλήσει με τη Hayley Williams σε μια συνέντευξη 20 ερωτήσεων. Η Hayley απάντησε σε ερωτήσεις σχετικά με το νέο άλμπουμ και τη συνεργασία με τον Justin Meldal-Johnsen. Τσεκάρετε παρακάτω ολόκληρη τη συνέντευξη:
You guys are working on your new album, I heard that it’s being produced by Meldal-Johnsen, who most recently worked on M83′s albums. How was it working with him on this album and how would you compare it to previous albums?
At this point, we have recorded one song with Justin. That time in the studio was easily the most relaxed, inspired, and liberating experiences we have had in any studio thus far. We are huge fans of his work not only as a producer but as a musician, writer and musical director. He wears all those hats well and with a lot of humility.
At this point, we have recorded one song with Justin. That time in the studio was easily the most relaxed, inspired, and liberating experiences we have had in any studio thus far. We are huge fans of his work not only as a producer but as a musician, writer and musical director. He wears all those hats well and with a lot of humility.
What is the main inspiration behind the new record?
I am laughing things off a lot more easily these days than I was at 19, when I wrote the last album. A lot of change… a lot of positivity. Even the songs with the more serious subject matter feel less toiled and troubled. Musically, I am most inspired by the personality captured in every instrument. That, to me, is actually what is making up this newer sound that is happening.
I am laughing things off a lot more easily these days than I was at 19, when I wrote the last album. A lot of change… a lot of positivity. Even the songs with the more serious subject matter feel less toiled and troubled. Musically, I am most inspired by the personality captured in every instrument. That, to me, is actually what is making up this newer sound that is happening.
Are you guys planning on doing any touring or festivals this spring/summer? If so where can we expect to see you?
Yes! We are one of the headliner’s at Reading and Leeds fest this year! We play, literally, right before The Cure. Someone is going to have to help me stand up when I see Robert Smith.
Yes! We are one of the headliner’s at Reading and Leeds fest this year! We play, literally, right before The Cure. Someone is going to have to help me stand up when I see Robert Smith.
Do you prefer to be touring and out on the road, or home recording and living the day to day life?
I prefer the business of touring, but the convenience of home and having my own big shampoo bottles and pillows and healthy foods. Traveling and playing shows is worth losing all the unnecessary comfort though. Really, there are people starving and without beds, I think I can do without a designated toilet for a couple months.
I prefer the business of touring, but the convenience of home and having my own big shampoo bottles and pillows and healthy foods. Traveling and playing shows is worth losing all the unnecessary comfort though. Really, there are people starving and without beds, I think I can do without a designated toilet for a couple months.
You get to travel all the time for your job, Is there one place you haven’t gone that you would love to visit?
Iceland. It’s always seemed so mysterious to me. Maybe just because of Bjork but anyway, I would love to play a show and spend a week there.
Iceland. It’s always seemed so mysterious to me. Maybe just because of Bjork but anyway, I would love to play a show and spend a week there.
How would you describe your personal style, Where do you pull your inspiration from?
My style, to me, seems more like the anti-style. I never feel like I’m really wearing a popular trend or something that a lot of other girls would just kill to wear. As I get older, my interest in beautiful things is peaking but I still feel most comfortable in pants or more androgynous styles. I could’ve never lived in a day where it wasn’t seen as socially acceptable for women to wear pants. Rude Girl vibes are especially inspiring to me right now. Plus, being in California where the sun is always out and the palm trees look like Tim Burton characters… Everyone looks cool with a backdrop like that.
My style, to me, seems more like the anti-style. I never feel like I’m really wearing a popular trend or something that a lot of other girls would just kill to wear. As I get older, my interest in beautiful things is peaking but I still feel most comfortable in pants or more androgynous styles. I could’ve never lived in a day where it wasn’t seen as socially acceptable for women to wear pants. Rude Girl vibes are especially inspiring to me right now. Plus, being in California where the sun is always out and the palm trees look like Tim Burton characters… Everyone looks cool with a backdrop like that.
Favorite designers?
I’ve worn a lot of Miu Miu and always feel great in their clothing. Rag & Bone and J Brand seem to understand denim, or at least my idea of jeans, and I appreciate that. I also really love Helmut Lang. I don’t know a lot about their brand but it feels like they really honor a woman’s power in most of their designs. I was just looking at some of their blazer/pant looks for a/w 2012 and I know I would feel like a superwoman in some of those pieces.
I’ve worn a lot of Miu Miu and always feel great in their clothing. Rag & Bone and J Brand seem to understand denim, or at least my idea of jeans, and I appreciate that. I also really love Helmut Lang. I don’t know a lot about their brand but it feels like they really honor a woman’s power in most of their designs. I was just looking at some of their blazer/pant looks for a/w 2012 and I know I would feel like a superwoman in some of those pieces.
Do you have a favorite brand of bright colored non conventional hair dyes?
I have never been loyal to any one kind. I’d love to have my own line.
I have never been loyal to any one kind. I’d love to have my own line.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I’m great at leaving my purse in the movie theater.
I’m great at leaving my purse in the movie theater.
Five things you can’t live without?
My family, pen and paper (can that count as one?), Wayne’s World, hot tea, faith.
My family, pen and paper (can that count as one?), Wayne’s World, hot tea, faith.
Last really good movie or TV show you loved?
Girls! Obsessed.
Girls! Obsessed.
The last thing I ate was…
Scottish oatmeal and apricots.
Scottish oatmeal and apricots.
Are you crafty? Do you make anything in your spare time?
Funny you ask, my friends and I have Craft Thursdays! Really it’s just a night for us to be girls and talk and be creative… And make root beer floats.
Funny you ask, my friends and I have Craft Thursdays! Really it’s just a night for us to be girls and talk and be creative… And make root beer floats.
Night owl or early bird?
Six months ago I would’ve said night owl. But after being off the road for so long, I love my mornings.
Six months ago I would’ve said night owl. But after being off the road for so long, I love my mornings.
Favorite restaurant ever and where?
Native Foods. We need one in Nashville! When I go back I’ll be having the worst withdrawals.
Native Foods. We need one in Nashville! When I go back I’ll be having the worst withdrawals.
What’s your favorite band / music at the moment?
My favorite band has always been mewithoutYou… For like ten years now. But my love for music stemmed from old Motown artists like The Temptations. Right now, I’m loving Alabama Shakes cause they’ve got those vibes but it’s grittier. So great.
My favorite band has always been mewithoutYou… For like ten years now. But my love for music stemmed from old Motown artists like The Temptations. Right now, I’m loving Alabama Shakes cause they’ve got those vibes but it’s grittier. So great.
Traveling all over the world with the time zones must catch up with you and leave some serious jet lag! Best cure for it, do you try to beat it or give in!?
I give in every time. Grab some tea, put on a movie and I’m out.
I give in every time. Grab some tea, put on a movie and I’m out.
What’s something about you that might surprise your fans that they wouldn’t know, or expect?
I love pickle juice. I’m sorry, it’s true.
I love pickle juice. I’m sorry, it’s true.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Granny’s cookin’.
Granny’s cookin’.
Cats or dogs? Do you have any pets?
I don’t. Forever wanting a pitbull.
I don’t. Forever wanting a pitbull.
H μπάντα ‘Fun’ παρουσίασε στο BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge ζωντανά από τα BBC’s Maida Vale Studios στο Λονδίνο το τραγούδι “Somebody That I Used To Know” του Gotye σε συνεργασία με την Hayley Williams. Η Williams δεν πέταξε για το Λονδίνο, αλλά τραγούδησε το κομμάτι της από ένα στούντιο στις ΗΠΑ χρησιμοποιώντας ένα iPad και το Skype. Ακούστε το cover παρακάτω:
Οι Paramore ανακοίνωσαν δύο νέα shows στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο για το φετινό καλοκαίρι! Η μπάντα δημοσίευσε ότι θα παίξει live στο Belfast και το Εδιμβούργο στις 19 και 21 Αυγούστου! Δυστυχώς, σύμφωνα με την επίσημη ενημέρωση, υπάρχει μια πολύ μικρή πιθανότητα να δούμε φέτος τους Paramore live στην Ευρώπη εκτός Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου.
19.08 Belfast, UK @ Custom House Square (16+)
21.08 Edinburgh, UK @ Corn Exchange
24.08 Reading, UK @ Reading Festival
25.08 Wetherby, UK @ Leeds Festival"
H Tegan και η Sara, δύο κυρίες που συνήθιζαν να περιοδεύουν με τους Paramore,είναι τώρα στη μέση των ηχογραφήσεων για το νέο τους άλμπουμ. Όμως δεν συνεργάζονται μόνο με τον Justin Meldal-Johnsen - ο παραγωγός του τέταρτου άλμπουμ των Paramore - αλλά επίσης και με τον Taylor York και τον Jeremy Davis! H Tegan και η Sara δημοσίευσαν ένα βίντεο σχετικά με την επιστροφή τους στο στούντιο στο Λος Άντζελες, όπου μιλάνε επίσης και για τη συνεργασία τους με τον Taylor και τον Jeremy. "Έχουμε μόλις τελειώσει το τύμπανα, το μπάσο και το πιάνο,” είπε η Tegan και Taylor πρόσθεσε: "Ακούγεται εκπληκτικό”.
Τον Μάρτιο του τρέχοντος έτους ο Taylor York και η Hayley Williams έκαναν ένα τατουάζ και τώρα η τραγουδίστρια δημοσίευσε μια φωτογραφία του νέου τατουάζ της:
"Kept this one to myself for a while. A Johnny Mercer lyric/life philosophy."
Η Hayley Williams είναι στη λίστα των ''FHM 100 πιο σέξι γυναικών στον κόσμο’’! Η τραγουδίστρια των Paramore πήρε την #62 θέση και κέρδισε την Taylor Swift (#99) και Emma Watson (#64). Δείτε την πλήρη λίστα παρακάτω: